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Malapoa Port Vila, (3093) Vanuatu ,

Huge + close to town

This huge piece of commercially zoned land in Malapoa is now available for purchase.

The property is just shy of 17,000sqm in size and located right in the heart of Malapoa.

This sale has a lot to offer and is home to:

- a large shed

- a commercial warehouse

- two residential buildings

- tower shed

With a bit of care and love shown, the residential properties could generate rental income while you use the warehouse/sheds for storage or commercial use. Or, vice versa.

The land is expansive providing plenty of scope for whatever you have in mind. The property is well secured and tidy grounds.

Get in touch to learn more and arrange an inspection.

VUV 51,000,000 ex VAT

ID# 41618113093

Land Area 16,918 sqm

Property Type Office/Showroom, Sales showrooms/Bulky goods

Abi Pardoe

Abi Pardoe English
+678 7749478

Michael Yan

Michael Yan
+678 7729015

The above information has been furnished to us by the vendor of each property. We have not verified whether or not that information is accurate and have no belief one way or another in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. all interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquires in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.